Too Smart to Split. A unique, practical guide to getting out of your relationship hole by Alithea

Following the birth of our second child, I spent several years knowing that my relationship needed to improve, and trying to fix it myself. Like many women in this stage of life, I’d fallen into a relationship “hole”.

When I went searching for help, I found many wordy psychological counselling texts that took months to read, or internet articles focusing on divorce. I wasn’t in that mindset, because I didn’t really know where the problems were stemming from. I thought, “If I find a good book and spend three months implementing what I learn, then I could turn things around in my relationship.” Essentially, what I was hoping to find was a resource that was marriage-positive yet open-minded and focused on a solution other than divorce.

But it turned out that at this point in time, such a modern girls anti-divorce handbook didn’t exist – so I researched the topic and wrote one myself! Interestingly, the more I looked into it, the more it appeared that I wasn’t the only one who needed or wanted this type of support. In fact, many of my own friends, as well as people I met, were announcing divorces or experiencing relationship problems too. 

The result of my research is this book: Too Smart To Split, which is designed to provide you with a quick but holistic guide to exploring ways to resurrect the connection between you and your partner, and how to continue to maintain it in the future.

If you feel that your issues are stemming primarily from problems in the bedroom and on the intimacy front, then you may prefer to start with my other book: How To Pleasure a Real Woman, which provides assistance in that area.

Watch the video “Directing Your Sexual Health“, a keynote by Alithea at the Womens Health and Fitness Summit 2017, by clicking on the title of the talk.

Interested in Too Smart To Split? You can read the first chapter here.

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